Lifetime Guarantee

Broke your straw? Don’t worry, snap a photo and fill out our  Broken Straw Form

While our straws are made of borosilicate glass, the strongest glass available, we understand they are not completely indestructible. We are confident that Simply Straws glass drinking straws are rugged enough to handle daily life and use but we understand life happens. Our Lifetime Guarantee applies to breakage of our straws only, excluding shipping & customization.

To receive your code please take a photo of the straw, and upload it onto our replacement form with your information. Please allow 5-10 business days once we receive your form to process your request. We will issue you a web-store credit and provide you with the coupon code for non-customized straw that you may use on any products at

Looking for ways to keep your straw clean and healthy?

Try our methods! Using our straw sleeves help protect your glass straws not only from breakage but also the outside elements. It also makes for a stylish way to take your straws with you on the go. Properly cleaning your straw is a big deal; rinsing after use with a brush is the quickest way, but dishwashers work great as well for getting your straw squeaky clean.